Saturday, October 8, 2011

Painted in the last few years

The paintings below are a few examples of my more recent work.  It is hard to date a piece as it is subject to change until it is out of the studio.  They are available at the gallery listed or if none is named they may be purchased from my studio. 

 "Spring Fling" 24x30
Oil Painters of America National Show 2008 
Southwest Gallery
" Sugarbowl and Lemons" 11x14
Jo's Antiques
" Elegant Brass" 12x16
Jo's Antiques
     "Turnips" 10x16
The Frame Up
"Lace and Yellow Roses" 20x16
 Southwest Gallery
"After the Rain" 18x24
 The Frame Up
"Spann's Barn" 12x16
"Le Pear" 6x8
"Still Life with Plums" 20x16
 Southwest Gallery
"Pewter and Lime" 14x11
"The Blue Teacup" 16x20
2010 American Women Artist National Show
Southwest Gallery
"Chinese Pot and Persimmons" 20x24
"Perfect Camellias" 16x12
 Fresh Lemons 9x12
Jo's Antiques

Jar of Daisies 11x14
The Frame Up

View from Durrum Studio 12x12

Vine Ripe Tomatoes 8x16
The Frame Up

Old Basket  14x18

Turnips and Onions 16x20

Chinese Jar and Tapestry 16x20

Peonies 20x16

Camillias 16x20

Muscadine Vine 16x12
The Frame Up
"Cone Hydrangeas" 24x20
"Golden Hay" 14x18
 The Frame Up
"White Camillas"24x20
Southwest Gallery
"Waiting for Breakfast" 6x12
The Frame Up
" Persimmon" 8x6
"White Hydrangeas" 20x16
Southwest Gallery
"Antique Pitcher"20x16
Jo's Antiques 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Earlier Paintings

 I have decided to do a blog so I can document my developement as an artist. I saved my first still life painting and several other "growth" works and will photograph them and add them to this page. Below you will find a few of my earlier pieces painted from around 2000 till 2009. During those years I was fortunate to sell alot of paintings and did not take photos of many of them.  

 This painting won an award at the Oil Painter's of America national show in 2005. 
Haybales 20x24



One might say I’m a late bloomer in the world of art. I didn’t realize I could draw until my late 30’s. My children were almost grown and I was looking for something to fill the void when they left. Having already taken piano lessons and discovering it wasn’t my best talent; my husband gave me a beginner’s art set for Christmas. From the first time I opened a tube of oil paint I was hooked! I began slowly and took a few lessons. As I grew as an artist, so did the time I devoted to my art. I relish every aspect of painting from the beginning concept to the actual mixing and applying of paint to canvas. It is truly my passion. When I’m painting, several hours can pass without my notice. My dog often tells me it’s time to take a break.

My preference is to paint from life and rarely rely on photographs. Although my primary focus is still life subjects, I also love landscape, portrait and an occasional abstract. The beauty of everyday life inspires me. The process of setting up a still life is something I embrace, and the more pleasing the composition is to me, the more enthused I am to begin painting. If I had to classify my style it would be somewhere between realism and impressionism. I am inspired by so many artists both living and dead. My goal is to push myself to be the best artist I can be and to create art that makes the viewer take notice of my work.

Living in a small town makes it difficult to access the highest quality instruction. I began by studying the basics at our local community college. Discovering that my passion and talent were matching up, I started to get involved with the Mt. Pleasant Art Society (MPAS) and assist in bringing artists to our town to teach and train our members. Taking work shops from several top artists including David Leffel, Sherrie McGraw, Xian Zhang and Greg Kreutz was also an important part of my training. I teach a class every week and do demonstrations for the art societies in the area.

I have served as president of the Mt. Pleasant Art Society which boasts a membership of over 70 artists from Dallas to Texarkana. I am very proud of the quality of the art community of which I have been an active participant.

Although I have not been in many art shows, I have been accepted at most that I have entered. The Mt. Pleasant show is a yearly competition, and I have won an award every year. Below are the highlights of my achievements in art shows.

• OPA National Show, 2005, 2006, 2010
• OPA, Betty Schmidt Award of Excellence, 2006
• AWA National Show, 2010
• MPAS, First Place, (Best of Show), 2002, 2007, 2010
• MPAS, Second Place, 2011, 2009, 2000

I have exhibited one person shows through the Franklin County TX, Arts alliance and at the Willow Oak Art Center in Mt. Pleasant, TX.
I currently display at The Southwest Gallery in Dallas, TX, The Frame Up in Mt. Vernon, TX, Jo’s Antiques and Willow Oak Art Center and at my studio in Mt. Pleasant, TX.